Monday, 16 July 2012

Get Away from the DVDdropship Scam Before They Trap You

You must not touch DVDdropship even with a bargepole. The biggest internet scam offers you nothing but trouble, stress and huge financial losses. They make claims that appear genuine and helpful for your business. Once you are in their trap, they try every conceivable trick to empty your pockets.

The reviews say it clearly. DVddropship is not a dropshipping company as they try to project themselves. They are cheats with a one track agenda of grabbing your money. To achieve that, they try to lure you into investing in their dropship plans. Once you subscribe to these fake deals, you will be pushed around for more money using various excuses.

They Rob You and Scram Even Before You Realize It

The smart retailer will cut losses by refusing to bite the bait anymore but the innocent, first time retailers fear losing their subscription fee if they don’t comply with the new demand. They finally end up losing hundreds of pounds with nothing to show for the money spent. That is how the dvddropship scams work. They entice you, trap you and rob you in one sweeping sequence even before you realize what’s happening.

They promise regular supply of latest titles when you subscribe to their lifetime membership plus an ecommerce website to help you become a retail entrepreneur. What you get instead is some garbage stuff - Old DVDs that won’t ever play, forget having any demand, are sold to you for the price of new ones. The fully functional website is a complete flop. You cannot do any serious business with this junk piece because the features don’t work and the links are broken. For £40 you are given some gross garbage stuff that leads you nowhere.

If you try to contact them to complain about the useless trash they just sent you, the customer care will put up an act of concern initially but there will be no action forthcoming. Subsequent calls get worse and they even get abusive at times. Finally, they start the stonewalling tactics. Your call is put on hold and your emails are not answered.

They try everything to frustrate you so that they don’t have to refund the money they stole from you. That’s how cheap these scammers are. They are a complete waste of time, effort and loads of money. The review blogs and comments were spot on. DVDdropship is indeed the biggest scam happening on the internet. Stay away, lest you too get sucked into this scam.