Wednesday, 27 June 2012

DVDdropship – Where Dreams Die a Quick Death

They claim to be the home of professional software and DVD dropshipping but a quick look at the reviews will unravel the shocking story. is a one of the biggest scams on the internet today. Their claim of hundreds of popular titles and serious income is just a trick to suck you in to their con job. Nothing ever gets delivered from these swindlers. If at all, you get anything, it will not be the latest titles but the ones that went out of circulation years ago.

Nothing is Free here; they even Charge you for Hosting your Website

Trade reviews have slammed dvddropship for the deliberately misleading information they have put on their website. While they claim to offer you dropshipping services for a yearly fee for £25 and a lifetime membership for £40, this information does not represent the true figures. They provide you with a free ecommerce website with the package but these prices account for nothing because you will have to pay the hosting fees from your own pocket; a fact they never divulge till you have paid up. The hosting fee can leave you poorer by as much as £7.95 every month.

Don’t be fooled by their niche product DVD titles. These are just clever ploys to get hold of your money. These so-called fast selling DVDs probably sold fast, a good ten years ago. There’s no way you will be able to sell them now. They say they want to help you get rich. However, the fact is, they are the only ones laughing all the way to the bank at your expense.

It is pretty obvious from the comments and reviews posted on the internet that dvddropship is a fraud company. They have cheated hundreds of innocent retailers with their fraudulent plans. Their DVDs are so expensive that it is impossible to sell them and earn profits. Most of the victims have fallen for this scam because of some positive reviews they have come across on some forum. The shocker is that this forum is run by the same scammers and these comments and testimonials are posted by their staff to mislead innocent retailers.

A Con Job Anyway You Look at it

This con business appears deceptively straight because they have invested in making their website look good and authentic. This is a part of their larger plan. The loot they make out of duping people is used to create similar fake websites so that they can make some more easy money. If you look closely at domains such as,, and a few others, you will realize that they all belong to the same owner, Stephen Gibson – a name synonymous with online scams in the UK.

If you have subscribed to their dropship plans, your nightmares have just started. There are hundreds of victims like you trying to get back their hard earned money from these scammers. However, refunds simply do not happen here. Keep away from scam outfits such as dvddropship if you don’t want your business to shut shop even before you have made your first pound. You must research extensively before you make any online investments.